Our first week of school was very hektic and exciting. Both boys are in Middle School now, new teachers, new schedule, new classes, everything is different. It was a very busy week, but I managed to get some things done in my kitchen.

Finally there are curtains on the windows. I was not quite sure what was the best style, because the windows are not very high, but I'm pleased with the result.

The pantry needed some work too, there is (or was) one shelf stuffed with plastic bags, thats a lot of wasted space, I saw plastic bag holders for sale and they were fairly simple. A fabric tube with elastic and a holding strap on top.
I made mine a little larger and a lot more colorful. It is hanging on the inside of the pantry door. The thing I love the most is - that it limits the number of bags - when it is full, thats it, so there is no way I'm cluttering my pantry with plastic bags again.
Have a great week!
Ganz liebe Gruesse Sabine